Remembering Manners Using the Rote method

I’ve had an extremely busy day, and still have a ton of things to accomplish. I am very excited to be taking my daughter to see Dora this evening, but I did not want to go without posting anything.

When my oldest son, who is now 14, started preschool, his teacher had taught them a cute little poems to help them remember their manners. Here are the ones I can remember…

Only one can talk at a time,
So this is what I’ll do:
I’ll listen like a little mouse
‘Til other folks are through.

The purpose of this was to teach the children to listen when others are talking.

We say “Thank you.”
We say, “Please,”
And  “excuse me,”
When we sneeze.

That’s the way
We do what’s right.
We have manners.
We’re polite.

Other than being simply precious, I love the values it teaches. I honestly feel like printing this out, making one hundred copies, laminating them and handing them out to children and adults alike. It just may have prevented the horrible cold I had last year.

When I shared these with a friend one time, she had told me of a song she had learned in her school years. It is sung to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

We say, “Thank you.  We say, “Please.”
We don’t interrupt, We don’t  tease.
We don’t argue.  We don’t fuss.
We listen when folks talk to us.
We share our toys, we take our turn
Good manners are easy for us to learn.

These are all rhymes and songs made for children, but would it really hurt the adults of our society to learn and apply these simple respects in life?

This style of learning is called the Rote method. It is a very contraversial issue as to what the person learning in this style is really comprehending. In defense of the Rote method, my 14 year old son, who learned these songs so many years ago, is one of the most polite, well mannered child. This style of learning, I believe, depends on the individual and the environment in which the child learns.

Please feel free to feel your thoughts on this subject.

Off to see Dora the Explorer!!!

Beccie June

Published in: on February 11, 2009 at 3:47 am  Comments (1)  
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